A man and a woman had been married some time when the woman began to question her husband. “I know you’ve been with a lot of woman before. How many were there?” The husband replied, “Look, I don’t want to upset you, there were many. Let’s just leave it alone.” The wife continued to beg and plead. Finally, the husband gave in. “Let’s see.” he said “There was one, two, three, four, five, six, you, eight, nine…”
source: http://dictionary.reference.com
flert - no dictionary results
flirt [flurt] Show IPA
verb (used without object)
1. to court triflingly or act amorously without serious intentions; play at love; coquet.
2. to trifle or toy, as with an idea: She flirted with the notion of buying a sports car.
3. to move with a jerk or jerks; dart about: butterflies flirting from flower to flower. verb (used with object)
4. to give a sudden or brisk motion to; wave smartly, as a fan.
5. to throw or propel with a toss or jerk; fling suddenly.
haha.. nice one :D
haha! didn't notice he said u instead of seven!
I suppose then he took his socks off and completed counting to twenty :O)
Flert??? Just now I've heard such word, lol:)
Biggest flert ever..........
@Meero: If that instances has occurred, perhaps they are no longer husband and wife, they're just live in partner... What do you think?
I think he will not stop counting. But if the qyestion reversed what is the wife answer?
hmmmm would u mind sharing his diet plan .......
Did he stop with nine or continue?
OMG, some kind of infidelity right there and then, lol!