How to handle the finances if we still need to support my wife's family?
By peacemaker2010 •
Hi guys, im a newly wed and having small issue between my wife to handle this sensitive issue between us. Any tips for those veteran couple? thanks...
yeah..thanks for all your advices, it really lighten me enough. its always a good feeling that others can share their thoughts and feelings even without knowing each other...for sure i know what to do now for all good...thanks guys..
A very sensitive topic. It will require a few sessions of counselling from both sides. It involves your in laws, your wife, you and your future children.Finance can get intertwined with every moment of your life.
I have been through it.The problem was in a bigger scale and to this day exists. But we have survived 15 years of marriage and "inlaw-charity work" and are doing absolutely well.
Please do not lose your cool and spoil the relationship between ANYONE.Lie low and observe from a distance for about 6 months. Give your wife an "upper hand".
Assess her "performance" and give suggestions, ultimatums,etc.
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Did you guys talk on this issue before getting married??
If your wife is attached to her parents and if she is willing to help them out monetarily, it will create even a bigger difference if your wife is earning too..
So better sort out this problem among yourselve..
As far as my thinking is concerned, there is no harm to give a helping hand to a wive's parents (just a bit part)if they are really in bad financial condition...
It's a saying : the more you do charity work, the more your bank balance will increase...:)))
Helping others makes your life more bountiful and received more blessings from God.
So you fall in love, you marry, and become a slave to support her family.
What's your is yours, what's hers is hers.
If you give her money for her to spend on herself then if she wants to give it to them that's up to her, otherwise if she feels oblidged to support her family then she should get a job.
Your family is you, your wife and kids (when and if you have them). That is who you are responsible for, no one else.
You should understand if your wife had been the only bread winner in the family, or did a major part in supporting her family, it is not correct for you to stop it just because you married her. there are several questions to be asked.
1. Is your wife working?
2. If she is working, can she spare some of her income for her family?
If she is working, it is decent to let her spare a certain part of her income for her family. But, if you are the only income earner, you have the full right to decline it
not being rude, but tell her family to get off the backsides, get on their bikes and find work !!!