Unexpected breakup
Could it be so hard to forgive and give another chance to someone who made lies?
If someone feels betrayed against his/her relation, would it be hard for him/her to give another chance for the relation they have? Though he/she is in loved to each other.
In giving up easily the relation, would it mean he/she is not serious and in love to each other?
What would I do to seek for another chance? It is shameful to ask because he decides to end the love relation we have.
good one britex, it's never too late...
You must chase him to the end of the earth and show him that your love is undying ..
if u a relation with someone & after he/she want to go...... let her/him to go, if he/she will back in your life, its mean love is only there for you.........
Good for you then yahrah, things can still get better, it's easier both of you are at the same place... Just pray hard...
no we are just the same here in doha... but he never called me back since that was happend, he is just saying that he just want to be alone and needs time...
blah, blah blah, blah blah blah
Did you do anything which makes him feel he is betrayed?
I can understand that those men who are not honest with their wives will have a similar feeling.
It could be a woman that played with his mind.
But wait, why people makes love relation outside the marriage domain and then marry after?
From my prespective point of view, love relations before marriage is a wrong step and it is also a weak foundation which can fall down any time, and here I can say what starts wrong most of the time will end in a disaster or unwanted situation.
Once Trust is finished, then even if he/she wants to even get back together, would be very difficult to trust that person again...
Thanks but No thanks, Have a full head of Hair on me ead now...:)
where is pikey..:(
lol MBK....
Its just another day for a "Another One's"...:(
Another one!...
He dumped you. He isn't going to take you back. Move on.
Thank you guys for all the correspondences.
Life must goes on.
I told you , QL is having those moods :)
Have you tried asking "nicely"
If u really love him..Just let him know that he is the only one with whom u feel soo connected..n u r not gona repeat those things which created a big mess earlier..And once u r done saying..dont expect that he will trust u at the same time...Coz we guys dont like someone who keeps on repeating the same thing over n over again...Just try to give him enough room so that he can have some peace in his mind and start seeing things normally..In the mean while all u can do is,, WAIT WAIT AND WAITTT,,,, if he ever loved u with all his heart,as soon as he sorts out his mind he will START MISSING UR PRESENCE and then he will come looking for his love....Let me tell u tht IT WILL TAKE TIME...LONGG TIMEEEE...I know its not easy..ITS JUST SOO DAMNN HARD.......But just dont lose hope and pray tht ur love sees ur true luv for him...
very well said shoaib87
move on.... he decided to break up... thn its too hard to gain the lost trust
yahrah that must be hard, you said calling him? is it a long distance thing? all the more harder. reassurance is the key..
If it is he who decided to break up the relationship then it is unlikely that he will change his mind, however if you did your part in apologizing to him let it go, it's either he's hurt that much or he just found an easy way out, just learn your lesson and move on, don't dwell on it too much, no matter what it is, there is always a limit to what we can do and ask for... Life is a gift, Live it well...
a broken vase will forever be a broken vase even if you will stick it again and cover it with paint...
you cant fool a person forever!!
my dear we are having the same problem right now, since my bf knew that im still talking with my ex he almost broke up with me, he gave me second chance but he let me feel thesame what he felt when he catch me.. until now he's not calling me, he told that he just need space and he wants to be alone... since this is what is happening, i'm still doing my part to show him that i dont want to give up, im still calling and telling him that i love him since it was me who did wrong.
maybe you've done great lies my dear... :( you see, once trust is broken everything will never be the same again...
people hate liars, and so i do.
There is no betrayal but he feels he was betrayed
When the man is the one who decided for a break up, meaning he is really decided to end the relationship. So it is better for you to move on.
well said Robert.....
Useless, fidelity once broken can not be fixed by anyone. Even if you seek and found his forgiveness, there is no guarantee a smooth sailing together. Goodluck c",)
OMG....Afghani? God Damn...How would DotCom feel like :(
is about the nationality of poster..
Afghani ????
You mean to say, it was you who betrayed?