Metrash2 - Vehicle Ownership Transfer - Vehicle has Loan
By nikitaluger •
I'm changing car ownership from my mother to my name. The car was bought (using bank loan) way back around 2010. Metrash2 can't process the transfer of ownership because of "vehicle has loan" error. The car loan was already paid in full a long time ago so I don't know what to do to complete the transfer. Any tips or idea what to do? Thank you.
Update on my previous reply..
It took me 2 days since the QNB bank didn't send the email on the first day. So I contacted the bank again and summited my QID and vehicle registration. After sending the email from bank to MOI, within 30min the bank name was cleared from the vehicle and I could transfer the vehicle.
I faced the same issue on today while trying to sell my car. What you need to do is go to the same bank and inform about this issue. The bank will send an email to MOI attaching copes of your QID and vehicle registration asking them to remove bank name (loan status) from vehicle.
They informed me that it will take 1 day to clear up the loan status and I will post again when I get an update.
If I remember correctly, your mother will need to get a clearance letter from the bank and provide to Traffic dept and transfer the car to her name or yours.