Dear All,
Need your Suggestion.
I have salary pay card in CBQ bank and on 6th March I went to Barwa bank atm and transaction money after a message of transaction timeout card has come out from ATM and no money has come out from atm as money has not come after few minutes I transaction again but the same thing happened again transaction timeout message on screen and after that I got a message on my mobile that 3300 money has been deducted from your account and at same time I got a message of money reissue again but within one minute I have another message of deduction again I lost my money I log a complaint of money dispute with atm to CBQ but after 5 days they said you did a succsecful transaction and you withdrew money at that time they close the case ..... I don't know what to do I lost my money
I got my money after 2 months 2 days after did complaint with Qcb c ring road branch thanks a lot to all of you for your wonderful suggestion.
That was totally bank mistake is it any chance ask to compensate money with the bank?
I went to brawa bank they refuse to talk with me now I am going log a police complaint to view video footage.
Molten: If you cannot understand simple English,. just don't go about posting your nonsense as you have been doing for several years now.
Yes molten I am in tension sorry
Accha, Why are so confused so much today ? Think before you hit at the buttons / screens in front of you. Please avoid giving more trouble to the poor soul.
well CBQ reinvestigates the case again and they send an email to my company hr if things will remain same go for a police complaint to see video footage.
As Mary Catherine has rightly advised, file a written complaint with Qatar Central Bank should Barwa Bank and Commercial Bank fail to address your issue. In such an event, tell both the banks that you will be lodging a written complaint with the Qatar Central Bank and have the matter investigated by them.
File a complaint with Qatar Central BAnk - both Barwa and CBQ will have to investigate and prove the transaction either took place or not.
But why CBQ said like that have they investigate in a right manner or just doing formality? well, i will go to Barwa bank and as well as CBQ tomorrow lets see what will happen?
When you go to Barwa Bank, show them all the messages on your phone. In a worst case scenario if you still do not succeed, I suggest you lodge a written complaint with both the Barwa Bank and the Commercial Bank. Do this through email at their email address so that you have it on record with you. But I don't believe things will reach that stage and the issue will get resolved easily.
Don't worry. Keep hope. Banks know sometimes ATM machines make errors and they have ways of checking and putting things right.
Just recently another QLer had a similar experience (not exactly the same as yours) but he followed my advice and had the money returned to him.
I can understand your feelings as it is a lot of hard-earned money.
Thanks for suggestions I will go to Barwa Bank don't know what will happen to my money.
I don't believe you will lose your money. Just keep hope and give it a try at Barwa Bank.
Imran Khan: Suggest you take the matter up with Barwa Bank by visiting their main office and explain the whole situation to their Customer Service people. Maybe, they can help sort out things out. I believe you should have gone to Barwa Bank first before going to Commercial Bank as the ATM you were using was that of Barwa Bank.