Where can I find goat mil for 6 months baby?
By oguz.cayli •
hi everyone, I need a goat milk for baby that is 6 months old, if you know please contact me.
[email protected]
hi everyone, I need a goat milk for baby that is 6 months old, if you know please contact me.
[email protected]
MegaMart.Longlife. But it's not recommended for 6 months old babies.
MegaMart. QR111. Next to longlife milk. NA-NA.In a tin. BUT IT'S NOT FOR A 6 MONTH BABY! Ggood luck.
sorry I ment to write Baby Formula, Of course I know I can get it from a goat
you can get the milk frm A GOAT , i think :P
Buy a goat and milk it yourself or drink directly from the udders.
Please call Siraj on 55463492 he will arrange you,
From a goat???