Prize: It would be better you know what you are talking about when you are guiding a new comer. Britexpat was right in his comment.
Umairnajib: You need a minimum of QR 10,000 as a salary base to be considered for a permanent visa. The authorities will need from you a six-months bank statement showing the above amount having been deposited by your company in the bank. It may be possible for you get your wife here shortly after you arrive on a visit visa. This cane be possible after you have received your Qatar ID. A visit visa is initially for a month period extendable to six months maximum. You may be able to get hold of a second-hand car in good running condition within 30K but this all depends on the model of the car and also the brand. Toyota and Nissan are preferred over other cars as they have a good resale value. Try buying one from a direct user and you will find several of them at Qatar Living. Try also to take the help of some colleague or friends here who has knowledge about cars when going for one. Also, the later the model the better as insurance companies here do not usually provide comprehensive insurance to cars over 5 years old. Domestic expenses will be around QR 2000. Add another QR 1000 for miscellaneous expenses Trust this helps. .
Prize: It would be better you know what you are talking about when you are guiding a new comer. Britexpat was right in his comment.
Umairnajib: You need a minimum of QR 10,000 as a salary base to be considered for a permanent visa. The authorities will need from you a six-months bank statement showing the above amount having been deposited by your company in the bank. It may be possible for you get your wife here shortly after you arrive on a visit visa. This cane be possible after you have received your Qatar ID. A visit visa is initially for a month period extendable to six months maximum. You may be able to get hold of a second-hand car in good running condition within 30K but this all depends on the model of the car and also the brand. Toyota and Nissan are preferred over other cars as they have a good resale value. Try buying one from a direct user and you will find several of them at Qatar Living. Try also to take the help of some colleague or friends here who has knowledge about cars when going for one. Also, the later the model the better as insurance companies here do not usually provide comprehensive insurance to cars over 5 years old. Domestic expenses will be around QR 2000. Add another QR 1000 for miscellaneous expenses Trust this helps. .