There are two things: "Freedom of Speech" and "Freedom to Insult." People in the west have frequently crossed the lines of controls when using this "freedom of speech" powers given them. Take for example when Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard drew caricatures of the Prophet Mohammad.(PBUH) which appeared at Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten. It led to massive protests worldwide. Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen described the incident as Denmark's worst international relation incident since the World War II. This was followed by the Charlie Hebdo's cartoons based again on the powers of "freedom of speech" the people of the west are said to enjoy.That too led to unhappy incidents.
There are certain positions in the world that carry respect and "freedom of speech" should not be allowed to become a "freedom to insult" in any way. The relations between India and Pakistan have always been on rough seas but the countries do not allow any one to insult each other's prime ministers or presidents or any other high-ranking officials. The relations between S Arabia and Iran are at its lowest ebb but neither of the countries insult each other's rulers or allow them to be insulted by any of their countrymen.
There is major difference between "Freedom of Speech" and "Freedom to Insult" and its time the people of the west got to realize this.