Nanofilm: Possibly, you are somewhat confused. In Islam, "Mehr" is a mandatory payment in the form of money or possessions "paid or p-r-o-m-i-s-e-d to pay by the groom to the bride" at the time of marriage. This is required by the Shariah. There is no fixed amount and it can always be paid later. The wife also has the right to reduce the Mehr or even to forgive the full amount.
Dowry on the other hand, is the transfer of parental property to a daughter at the time of her marriage and it may include cash as well as property, furniture, car, utensils etc. In the past, Hindu parents gave a dowry to their daughters because they didn't have always have rights to claim a share of the parental wealth and property. Nowadays, parents offer dowries to attract a good husband for their daughters. The custom of dowry especially in India and Pakistan has become a menace as educated grooms holding good positions in office "demand" a dowry both in cash and kind from the bride's parents to marry their daughter. It is sheer greed. Many parents with lovely daughters are unable to meet such demands. Hence they suffer. A "Dowry" is not a part of Islam. As such, let's not confuse the two terms "Mehr" and "Dowry." Both the terms carry different meanings which are worlds apart.