There are several things you have not clarified in your post. Are you a westerner and also the number of school-going children you have? For westerner, the package is not good. For some one from the east, you may get to save some money. You should be able to find an apartment within the housing allowance you have been offered. Al Khor is somewhat at a distance from Doha and rents should not be that high there. As for school fees, western schools are costly while eastern ones are manageable.
There are several things you have not clarified in your post. Are you a westerner and also the number of school-going children you have? For westerner, the package is not good. For some one from the east, you may get to save some money. You should be able to find an apartment within the housing allowance you have been offered. Al Khor is somewhat at a distance from Doha and rents should not be that high there. As for school fees, western schools are costly while eastern ones are manageable.