Brit: In education, there are two types of teachers. The first is the commercial type who is simply interested in making the extra buck and has little or no interest in the development of the qualities in his students. The second is the dedicated type who wants to impart knowledge and drives great pleasure in doing so. Those who fall into the latter group should not be discouraged or even punished as they will be leaving behind a positive mark on the human mind. Also, private tuition is on one-to-one basis where the student has the opportunity to interact directly with the tutor. He can express what he failed to understand in the classroom or his shortcomings and likewise be guided by the tutor. Of course, if schools were run properly and class teachers took the extra effort to ensure that the students have understood what was being taught, the need for private tuition would not exist. Having said that, just how many schools are there which can openly boast of delivering such quality education?