You may find it difficult to find the item even at places where used spare parts get sold due to the old model of your car. You can ask the dealer to arrange the part for you and they may be able to import it from Jeddah where the company has a major warehouse. Alternatively, if you know someone in S. Arabia, you can send him the part number (get it from the dealer here) and send it to him. He may be able to find the part there and ship it to you.
You may find it difficult to find the item even at places where used spare parts get sold due to the old model of your car. You can ask the dealer to arrange the part for you and they may be able to import it from Jeddah where the company has a major warehouse. Alternatively, if you know someone in S. Arabia, you can send him the part number (get it from the dealer here) and send it to him. He may be able to find the part there and ship it to you.