Instead of sensationalizing the tragedy, I believe we should focus on all of the other factors, besides guns.
Here are some of the points such cases have in common.
1-A vast majority of these attackers are between the ages of 16 and 26.
2-They are narcissists.
3-They enjoy violent video games and movies.

American kids watch way too much violence on TV. American children watch an average of four hours of television every day. Extensive viewing of television violence by children has raised an entire generation on the theory that they must protect their self-esteem at all costs. Then, while mom and dad had better things to do, they set the kids in front of Grand Theft Auto and completely desensitized them to violence.
Stop shielding your kids from every possible disappointment in life. Get them involved so that when they face one, they are prepared for it.
Take away the XBox and other smart gadgets and Vid games once in awhile.
Talk to our kids occasionally, (you know when you talk to your kids there is a good chance we might prevent some of this crap)
It is time for the people of the United States Of America to take a good long look in the mirror and at their culture and admit they have a problem.