You should have queried these things when you opened your bank/credit card with them. Usually they will hold the credit limit amount of your credit card for 45 days to cover a any expenses incurred during the time of closing the credit card account. So your clearance letter will be only issued once that's cleared. Also if your current bank account is connected with the credit card, it will be blocked for the credit limit of your credit card. Cheers, these are normal circumtances when it comes to closing an account in any bank.
You should have queried these things when you opened your bank/credit card with them. Usually they will hold the credit limit amount of your credit card for 45 days to cover a any expenses incurred during the time of closing the credit card account. So your clearance letter will be only issued once that's cleared. Also if your current bank account is connected with the credit card, it will be blocked for the credit limit of your credit card. Cheers, these are normal circumtances when it comes to closing an account in any bank.