Do you think that maybe if the wicked Queen had eaten a few apples herself, rather than poisoning them and laying them as bait for Snow White, she mightn't have been such a grumpy, nasty woman?
The images of Snow White from that movie, by today's standards, are deathly boring. So pure and chaste and plain. Not the kind of character that Disney could sell by today's standards.
Do kids these days still find the idea of Bambi cute and caring, or just dull?
Do you think that maybe if the wicked Queen had eaten a few apples herself, rather than poisoning them and laying them as bait for Snow White, she mightn't have been such a grumpy, nasty woman?
The images of Snow White from that movie, by today's standards, are deathly boring. So pure and chaste and plain. Not the kind of character that Disney could sell by today's standards.
Do kids these days still find the idea of Bambi cute and caring, or just dull?