To me doing good deeds:like benefiting those around us, helping people in need, and making others happy, not to mention abstaining from social evils,shunning gossiping and backbiting,avoiding lying except if it is to bring about peace,guarding your tongue and limbs from hurting and insulting anyone, etc are indeed ways of living life to the full! May God reward your efforts and make dedicating your life to better causes easy upon you..Aameen.
And yes this is of our (Islamic) beliefs too that those who pass away,when faced with God, often wish to go back to the world in order to do more good deeds, which we believe is of course impossible. Hence whilst alive do all you can to be a better human being, son, parent, sibling, friend, neighbor,employer/employee etc.
Besides all that, the whole feeling of actually bringing about peace, joy and happiness to another's life is to me a truly exhilarating experience that makes life worth living!