it might sound strage.. after all truth is stranger than fiction... but here is what actually happened:
A colleague bought a nice mont blanc and while we were smoking another colleague goes like "WOW nice watch... and makes a lip downward expression with brows stretched up some what like this >(.
The next day the guy is looking all over the office for his nice mont blanc watch... and since i was there in the spot of compliment with this >( face... lol... i had to bring it up in front of the two... later the mont blanc guy ... went home voiced the call to prayer, to find the watch ... it may sound corny but i am telling u... i witnessed this... and i was not taught to lie. :)
it might sound strage.. after all truth is stranger than fiction... but here is what actually happened:
A colleague bought a nice mont blanc and while we were smoking another colleague goes like "WOW nice watch... and makes a lip downward expression with brows stretched up some what like this >(.
The next day the guy is looking all over the office for his nice mont blanc watch... and since i was there in the spot of compliment with this >( face... lol... i had to bring it up in front of the two... later the mont blanc guy ... went home voiced the call to prayer, to find the watch ... it may sound corny but i am telling u... i witnessed this... and i was not taught to lie. :)