You won't get it in any site...however you could use goggle maps to see the roof tops, it's a 2 story duplex type house for married status with wireless internet, furnish with basic to medium quality ammenities,but don't know if you'll received new appliances.You have a small lawn infront plus little garden at the side & back of the house for after work activities. However, if your coming in as a bachelor, then it will be in the same compound but you'll stay in apartment type building. Single room with receiving area, kitchen, toilet, also furnish with basic ammenities. You need to see the place. It's very near to the your place of work. Skype works!TV channels, check out the website of Qtel under Mosaics, there you'll know the packages available. It can be upgraded with additional cost.
You won't get it in any site...however you could use goggle maps to see the roof tops, it's a 2 story duplex type house for married status with wireless internet, furnish with basic to medium quality ammenities,but don't know if you'll received new appliances.You have a small lawn infront plus little garden at the side & back of the house for after work activities. However, if your coming in as a bachelor, then it will be in the same compound but you'll stay in apartment type building. Single room with receiving area, kitchen, toilet, also furnish with basic ammenities. You need to see the place. It's very near to the your place of work. Skype works!TV channels, check out the website of Qtel under Mosaics, there you'll know the packages available. It can be upgraded with additional cost.