First I appreciate your consideration about this topic,then I want to declare that we weren't informed about Prices by any possible way and also i'm sure that you'll agreed with this fact that during Eid Holidays in this hot summer evenings where can we spend our time with family except shopping malls??!! By the way how can you compare the parking or any else prices between Doha and NYC?!!!! there is a Huge diffrence between here and there in any thing!!
Dear Gregore
First I appreciate your consideration about this topic,then I want to declare that we weren't informed about Prices by any possible way and also i'm sure that you'll agreed with this fact that during Eid Holidays in this hot summer evenings where can we spend our time with family except shopping malls??!! By the way how can you compare the parking or any else prices between Doha and NYC?!!!! there is a Huge diffrence between here and there in any thing!!