will never stop. There are some people who prefers to scout for one hour just to find a parking space.
Just wait 'til the system become smooth and maybe, all your inputs be heard by CC (and hopefully other malls), so wjen they start implementing the same (paid parking), noone will whine about it. CC will never revert back to free parking so live with it! Expect the others to follow (hopefully not soon)! Lol!
will never stop. There are some people who prefers to scout for one hour just to find a parking space.
Just wait 'til the system become smooth and maybe, all your inputs be heard by CC (and hopefully other malls), so wjen they start implementing the same (paid parking), noone will whine about it. CC will never revert back to free parking so live with it! Expect the others to follow (hopefully not soon)! Lol!