We seem to have two polarized schools of thought here. Some believing that FIFA is corrupt through and through, and the only way to win is to slip brown envelopes under the table.
And then there are those who see this as some sort of smear, and Qatar won with honesty and integrity.
There doesn't seem to be a middle ground here, although if the court of public opinion was deciding this, FIFA is without doubt a bunch of corrupt old cronies.
But it is nice to think that there are still people in this world who see virtue where the rest of us see vice.
We seem to have two polarized schools of thought here. Some believing that FIFA is corrupt through and through, and the only way to win is to slip brown envelopes under the table.
And then there are those who see this as some sort of smear, and Qatar won with honesty and integrity.
There doesn't seem to be a middle ground here, although if the court of public opinion was deciding this, FIFA is without doubt a bunch of corrupt old cronies.
But it is nice to think that there are still people in this world who see virtue where the rest of us see vice.