jjj75 - I'm thinking of someone with very outspoken views on rape, and a rather low image of rape victims.

I’m just curious to see what s/he has to say on this issue, considering that the victim was a muslim girl visiting a hospital. Presumably she was wearing an abaya, or if not she was surely dressed modestly and not wearing anything revealing. Which doesn’t really fit in with the picture of a rape victim previously presented – that of a girl doing something to make him think she wanted it.

And then we learn that the perpetrators were locals, and not bad, dirty westerners who have no religion or faith or decency or respect for females, unlike certain other cultures where this sort of thing would never, ever happen. Not in a million years.

And why wouldn’t it happen? Because in those countries, the law takes a very dim view on those who try to rape girls, and punishes them harshly, according to the religious beliefs of that culture. Because surely attempting to kidnap and then rape a girl is such a terrible thing, it would land you in jail for a very, very, very long time.

Except, strangely, that doesn’t seem to have been the case at all. All those strong, water-tight, logical arguments presented to us on the other threads seem to have come crashing down.