Cabbage, I agree with what you are saying entirely, although unfortunately things aren't that simple. If you google the case and read some more about it, it gets worse. I think technically the 'rapist' was never convicted as such, in fact he's technically not a 'sex offender' (although you, me and everyone else would think so).

The reason the girl tried to take this to court was on the grounds that she has 'free speech protection' to NOT cheer someone on. The school's argument, and the court (strangely) agreed, was that in fact the girl has no free speech protection.

The case is terrible, and I really feel for the girl. It just seems like a total miscarriage of justice to me.

Hopefully she can sell her story to a few news outlets to raise the money she needs, and to raise the profile of the case.

The whole thing is sick. In my opinion, the boy should have been politely asked to leave the school and start elsewhere as a way of closing the chapter on the incident and to give everyone a fresh start, rather than to make it worse for all concerned. Especially the victim.