Um, I'm pretty sure there's only 1 really important factor regarding whether or not a man rapes a woman.
And that is - did the man rape the woman?
It doesn't matter what she was wearing, doing, saying...
It takes a RAPIST to rape someone. Period.
It is inexcusable and indefensible to blame, in part or in whole, anyone other than the rapist.
If I had a daughter who dressed like a slut, or a son who raped one, it would be the son who would never, ever be welcome in my home again.
Um, I'm pretty sure there's only 1 really important factor regarding whether or not a man rapes a woman.
And that is - did the man rape the woman?
It doesn't matter what she was wearing, doing, saying...
It takes a RAPIST to rape someone. Period.
It is inexcusable and indefensible to blame, in part or in whole, anyone other than the rapist.
If I had a daughter who dressed like a slut, or a son who raped one, it would be the son who would never, ever be welcome in my home again.