1. Change your display photo because it doesn't motivate anyone to loose weight!

2. Cut off the sweets, junk good and fatty foods from your diet

3. Cut down on carbohydrates (rice, bread, potato, etc...)

4. Focus on a high protein diet (chicken breast, fish, tuna, salmon, topside steaks, etc...) with vegetables and fruits.

5. Have 5 small meals a day.

6. And the most important one, do an hour at the gym 5 times per week. If you don't have access to a gym, go for a 30 min jog every day.

Don't worry about pills, they are useless!
Loosing weight is simple: Amount of calories you eat has to be less than the amount of calories you consume.

Do some reading at this website... it'll help if you're really keen (www.weightlossforall.com)