The gulf countries are still at a very primitive stage when it comes to social welfare and human rights.
I still don’t totally understand if this situation results from the sudden and enormous influx of money combined with greed and limited education and vision (from those in charge) or if it’s in fact a deliberate and convenient negligence!

All systematic (not casual and seldom) behavior can be conditioned by policies, their enforcement and tight control.
In the GCC young nations, all these concepts are unknown and/or surreal, as they are still perceived as not bringing any direct benefit for the "special ones".

sorry for the harsh words but, sadder than this precarious reality, is to realize that the local authorities (often praised almost as gods) fail to do their job and govern their country with social welfare, labor law and human rights seen in other developed countries in the XXI century.

Priorities here are just shifted elsewhere. Harrods represents much more glamour than the poor labors that are shipped around to our convenience!

Third world in its best, aka the power of money, loads of it and limited education.

Who said "start thinking"!?