good to see ur finnally back with ur fresh new comment.
if you cant accept of wht i think...its ur business, beside its not ur right to dictate wht i think.......im not a slave for u tht i have to bow down and follow anything u want.......use that selfish for urself before adddreess it to someone else.....cos i think u deserve one more than any body

why trying so hard to be a good ppl ??/ so other might approved u in the society? lo00ol.......

and even happy horison can point out something else outthere other than love can be the reason of the marriage.........

if im out of line .. its ur choice n still none of my business.....so why dont u take a chill pill so ur brain will cooolll....i guess the winter cant take the heat out of ur brain

if UK not come back or wht.....its up to him...he is the one who is willing to reply and admit it....i didnt force him to do tht....and im still appreciated for that and still not insulting about his choice in his life....

whatever u think about me...its none of my business.....am not interfering other ppl life.....i take it as an example of life....

its up to u calling me selfish,..if its my father at the end, its up to me wht i will do, we r not related.so whatever i want to do to my dad, its up to me he is my dad..not yours.....just pray tht will b not ur dad.....

it will b the father selfish who married to a even think of the idea of married the younger more than his daughters... he just think about his own happinness and put aside his responsibility as a father....tell me if that not a selfish...what u called thatttt....