I think you are right and the only common ground between all those schools is?...

Why can't some radical Muslims and others alike reduce themselves to what they are: human beings like all the rest of the world who should practice their religions (all man made) in privacy, just like the others generally do, without imposing it to the public eyes... its just getting too annoying and the world is starting to get fed up of this annoyance.
Nothing against religions, but when they start interfering into values that rule modern societies, its probably time for some action and that is what Europe and its far right parties are doing... indeed the beginning of a dangerous era, yet again because of stubbornness and ignorance of fanatics stuck in paradigms of an uncivilized 7th century society.

For once and for all, can't man kind understand that they are not that so special to have a supreme being inventing a religion for the insignificant human kind (when compared to the size of the universe and probably many other forms of life elsewhere in this universe) which has caused so many unrest in the planet!