Nah rizky i fwd him your CV since you are mostly jobless all day and long to see gori beauties
Full Name: Rizks Takaloo
Sex: Yes please only from behind
Residential Address: Doha Gutter
Nationality: Afghani
Marital Status: Married to Gay
Date of Birth: Stone Age
Any Valid Identity Card: Only size of bum hole
Phone number: 420-007 (Fake bond)
Nah rizky i fwd him your CV since you are mostly jobless all day and long to see gori beauties
Full Name: Rizks Takaloo
Sex: Yes please only from behind
Residential Address: Doha Gutter
Nationality: Afghani
Marital Status: Married to Gay
Date of Birth: Stone Age
Any Valid Identity Card: Only size of bum hole
Phone number: 420-007 (Fake bond)