When someone doing a work they should know and have an understanding about the job and responsibility of the work doing. When it is come to these kind of sensitive jobs, like the school buses the management should take workers suitable for it.

The driver who takes small children should understand the feelings and capacities of a child. When they understand these things whether they are in hurry or not they will tend to do the checking and caring of each child.

I prefer if the school can assign the drivers who have got married and also who has children. The real feeling of caring a child will come only when you have one.
Some people things that any couple can get babies sooner get married. But it is not the real thing. There are more things behind it in these fast world. Some couple takes 2-3 years or may be more to get a baby. Some will have complication sooner get one baby and then they will not have any more. All these things will know if the driver has a baby.

What is a child like those complication couple got caught this type tragedy.

People should open their eyes. GULF is not only for money making. You should have time to respect the humans who are living with you…