• verb (past part. shown or showed) 1 be, allow, or make visible. 2 exhibit or produce for inspection or viewing. 3 represent or depict in art. 4 display or allow to be perceived (a quality, emotion, or characteristic). 5 demonstrate or prove. 6 treat (someone) with (a specified quality). 7 explain or demonstrate something to. 8 conduct or lead: show them in, please. 9 (also show up) informal arrive for an appointment or at a gathering. N. Amer. finish third or in the first three in a race.
For English comprehension problems see...
• verb (past part. shown or showed) 1 be, allow, or make visible. 2 exhibit or produce for inspection or viewing. 3 represent or depict in art. 4 display or allow to be perceived (a quality, emotion, or characteristic). 5 demonstrate or prove. 6 treat (someone) with (a specified quality). 7 explain or demonstrate something to. 8 conduct or lead: show them in, please. 9 (also show up) informal arrive for an appointment or at a gathering. N. Amer. finish third or in the first three in a race.
source : http://www.askoxford.com/concise_oed/show?view=uk
But dont worry, i am sure this is just another forum written by my fellow idiots!
You Indian folk seem to be really insecure about something, and you are making this really boring.