In my personal opinion, this survey i think has been made only on a few % of high income group who are in job luckily, today's reality, is that there are hardly any jobs in Qatar especially the back office categories - both managerial and sub-ordinate staff category.

The best example, is please review the ads in publications, free ads in qatarliving, those have been advertised for the position has been repeated many times, it is not that they are asking some exceptional qualifications for which they cannot find a suitable candidate. It is just that they dont want to hire.

Another witness is the long list of situation wanted ads in Qatar's dailies placed by various job seeking aspirants, professionals ranging from 5 to 20 years experience in their field.

There appears to be vacancies in the form of adverts, but the companies are not actually hiring.

As a conclusion, such a survey can only be valid when there is a striking balance between demand/supply of manpower with a market value of Salary according to QUALIFICATIONS (I REALLY MEAN IN THE SENSE) AND EXPERIENCE, which I feel that this GCC region has to focus to build on its growth of economy, otherwise HUMAN RESOURCES WILL ALWAYS BE A CHALLENGE ESPECIALLY IN THIS COUNTRY. In comparison, why Dubai is still surviving inspite of crisis, because they have fairly maintained the balance between these.