Now you don’t have a problem with the way Qataris wish to live, what changed your mind? Now you started to use you head!! Good will keep it that way!!

Crime is on the rise in Qatar because in 2003 the population of Qatar was 650,000… only 205,000 are Qatari… it jumped to 1,600,000 in 2008 and Qatari became 220,000 only. Most of the crimes that were committed were by Asian nationality; Qatari who committed crimes is less than 1%.

Teenage pregnancy … is not an issue here, because we don’t have sex freedom like you have …but it will be an issue if we allow people like you and like “Superwomen” who she is none Qatari and speaks in behalf of the Qatari women, and wants Qatari girls to fool around and drink, have boyfriends and get pregnant with children outside marriage maybe from one or two different men and may catch Aids!! That’s not acceptable, if that is called freedom than the hell with freedom.

You mentioned that our Government only allow some of the news to be published and not others we have internet and satellites channels to get news from, but again do you think having you daughter photo in a newspaper telling the public that this teenage got drank and screwed by a boy that made her pregnant will make you happy!! Maybe you will call that freedom!! But Qatari we call that Shameful!!

No one asked you to close you eyes?!... but close your mouth and mind your own business when it comes to our religion and culture!! We don’t want anther Dubai here!! Just concentrate on how you catch dogs (wow what a job)!! I am proud to be a Qatari and spoon fed by Qatari … studding abroad toot me how fake is your freedom!!