for me as a gurl, the situation will hit me on my nerve too.

he is ur fiance, u already committed together, and theres no good reasonable for him to ditch you like tht. im sure the guy love if the gurl pouring them with good attention specially when the one you love is sick, the attention he will got more than anything.
sure i can understand your position. if i were you i will go insaen notknowing wht happend to my fiance. i cant sleep well, think properly, and my emotion cant be control, i know tht very well.........

i didnt mean to say wht ur fiance doing is right, but at the end, just give him sometime alone, i know its not easy to do it........but try to make urself busy with something, or pray to god and wish all things get better with him. try ur best to be PATIENCE, even tough tht will b the stupid advice i can suggest you, but wht you can get it by being nervous all the time. tht will make u suffer and make u sick. try to hang out with your best friends, and have a talk with them. cos at this moment only close friends and family can comfort your feeling.......otherwise u might go insane for the next 2 days.