I frequently encounter people who smell totally vile, often enough to make you feel like being sick, but they are guys in shirts and ties in elevators, not laborers in coveralls on building sites.
I've heard lots of people moan about people who stink, but never, ever has it been about the poor laborers. Amongst most people I know, the laborers are viewed with intense pity and compassion. The smelly people who we make jokes about DO have access to running water and toilets (and spray on deodorant). The reason we complain about them is that they still chose to ignore basic hygiene and go to Carrefour stinking.
I frequently encounter people who smell totally vile, often enough to make you feel like being sick, but they are guys in shirts and ties in elevators, not laborers in coveralls on building sites.
I've heard lots of people moan about people who stink, but never, ever has it been about the poor laborers. Amongst most people I know, the laborers are viewed with intense pity and compassion. The smelly people who we make jokes about DO have access to running water and toilets (and spray on deodorant). The reason we complain about them is that they still chose to ignore basic hygiene and go to Carrefour stinking.