lebanese man.........this is real life love story.....
phoneix.....how come asma can say tht through letter??? jst imagine how i explained this story to QLers......i dont think dan can understand the whole story by using letters....
ryan......its new point u just bringing up. she should do something to avoid the major lost ......which i think the lost of mr. brooke whome she loved alot....
FU....thnx :)
FS.......to tell u the truth they r not doctors. like u said ....but one point tht u bringing up is right.....brooke is alot handsome than dan.......well its not asma a good player....its just her luck tht she met brooke and make relationship with him before she met dan.
brit.....wht u mean ? i dont understand? u wish to meet ms.asma?
dot. com.........asma been single for 3 months before she met mr.chris and btw, chris is not a good guy, so thts why she broke up with him...and been a good friends with mr. dan for 6 months..and been in love and always love mr. brooke............she is not a player...like i said...if i were a guy, i will take ms. asma as well to b mine
hussein....u r right tht am a good friend of asma........where asma always tell me about the stories. starting the day she knew mr. brooke till mr. dan asking for her hand.
swine flu.........as infected swine flu as it is....like i said to hussein.......im the close friend to her....even tough she told me all about these guys, but i never met them in person......but asma do show their pic. and in my view......damn, i will choose brooke over dan...cos brooke is alot more handsome.......but wht u can expect from the look?...which one is more immportant now.....CHARACTERS or LOOK? anybody can answer tht??
lebanese man.........this is real life love story.....
phoneix.....how come asma can say tht through letter??? jst imagine how i explained this story to QLers......i dont think dan can understand the whole story by using letters....
ryan......its new point u just bringing up. she should do something to avoid the major lost ......which i think the lost of mr. brooke whome she loved alot....
FU....thnx :)
FS.......to tell u the truth they r not doctors. like u said ....but one point tht u bringing up is right.....brooke is alot handsome than dan.......well its not asma a good player....its just her luck tht she met brooke and make relationship with him before she met dan.
brit.....wht u mean ? i dont understand? u wish to meet ms.asma?
dot. com.........asma been single for 3 months before she met mr.chris and btw, chris is not a good guy, so thts why she broke up with him...and been a good friends with mr. dan for 6 months..and been in love and always love mr. brooke............she is not a player...like i said...if i were a guy, i will take ms. asma as well to b mine
hussein....u r right tht am a good friend of asma........where asma always tell me about the stories. starting the day she knew mr. brooke till mr. dan asking for her hand.
swine flu.........as infected swine flu as it is....like i said to hussein.......im the close friend to her....even tough she told me all about these guys, but i never met them in person......but asma do show their pic. and in my view......damn, i will choose brooke over dan...cos brooke is alot more handsome.......but wht u can expect from the look?...which one is more immportant now.....CHARACTERS or LOOK? anybody can answer tht??