Yes I did lump all those things together for exactly the reason you state. There are a lot of people who find the idea of women covered head to toe in a black cloth as troubling. That is their opinion to it, and they are entitled to their opinion. That's the idea of a free society that debates issues and then puts it to the people to make decisions through referendums and plebicites.

Because the people voting for the ban don't want to live in a multicultural society. They see the burka and polygamy in the same light as suicide bombings.

Rather than baiting me on QL for my opinion, why not simply turn on the TV and see what the Swiss based reporters on CNN, BBC or Al Jazeera cite as the reason for the poll result.

I'm only trying to presume what it is that Swiss people may have been feeling, but I'm not Swiss and I quite like living next to the minaret in our compound. Not only does it make giving directions to my villa easy, but the call to prayer is quite pleasent.