Listen P.M you do not know anything about anything, so do not speak. You just pop out of no where with your senseless posts. Just leave me alone, my words were never addressed to you, alright? Did you get that?
I am talking to those who knows themselves very well.
Amino acid, Google the definition of "loser". Has no sense what you just said, there is nothing such as "dignity loser"; has no meaning.
I won I am happy and I am proud, I really do have the right to say that, I never even mentioned Algeria after winning; because I do not care. The thing here is, weither they win or loose, they have to swear, get all angry and burst from the inside. Man! Chill!
Ask them to be "gracious", that's if this words has a meaning in their life.
Amino, I do not want to watch another video, from Algerians production and edition. Thank you.