To be honest...this is what I think about Choueifat:
Although its Curricullum is not an standard one and different from say any school which follows England and the Wales Curricullum, however as I mentioned in beginning, its a lot higher....much higher than that. This I can really see with my own 9 year old son. This is quite evident by what he goes through in Maths, Science etc etc.

My worries are however due to the following reasons:

1- He has to study a lot and I feel he is somehow missing on his childhood.
2- Since their system isnot an standard one, therefore he won't go through the normal system leading to A levels which would be needed for entry into the British Universities (OK...that is some years to go). On this I guess I need to talk to the school to find out whether students can take external A levels? and where the exam is taken etc etc?.

Having said all above, obviously you are the teacher and that is your profession, and I am sure you can correct me if I am wrong.

Thanks again