1. Revise GATT/WTO or scrap it. It is protectionism which is 'killing' poor countries. The US is guilty of this. "American policymakers use a variety of practices, such as antidumping laws, to re-strict imports - often in the name of "fair trade." Such restrictions usually are at the behest of American special interests seeking to restrict their competition".

2. Oil producing countries should give special prices to poor countries if they indeed want to alleviate or stop poverty, otherwise this caucus is merely form. OPEC can't just say it's the market that is dictating it. But they so much looked like a cat-who-had-just-swallowed-a- bird when prices went very high before the economic crises came and doused those smirk on their faces.

3. Ever noticed some rich countries destroying their own produce like milk or wheat when local prices tend to fall? Why not give these to starving countries in Africa?

You can talk about fighting poverty and what ills this world- till kingdom come- but when 'walk' doesn't follow the 'talk' then rhetoric rings hollow.

"No one is in charge of your happiness except you"