"We are now planning to expand our own fleet of taxis, to meet the future requirements of the country"
Yeah, more taxi is required...not in the future,not later, but NOW! they should have'd provided enough taxi's before they faced out the orange taxis.
mowasalat is full of guiness bu**shit!
"Do not do unto others what you don't want others to do unto you(Wag kang gay-an, kung mang gagay-an ka, wag gay-on)"
"We are now planning to expand our own fleet of taxis, to meet the future requirements of the country"
Yeah, more taxi is required...not in the future,not later, but NOW! they should have'd provided enough taxi's before they faced out the orange taxis.
mowasalat is full of guiness bu**shit!
"Do not do unto others what you don't want others to do unto you(Wag kang gay-an, kung mang gagay-an ka, wag gay-on)"