Actualy, to answer Expat Sueno's comment, the government pays lots of attention to these things. There's a video uploaded on some other website that i found which shows the minister of interior on the site of the fire. So yeah the state is actually involved positively. I was in my car with this whole mess happened and Lakhwayya (the SWAT police or smethn') acted fast in diverting trffic. Here's the vid...
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Actualy, to answer Expat Sueno's comment, the government pays lots of attention to these things. There's a video uploaded on some other website that i found which shows the minister of interior on the site of the fire. So yeah the state is actually involved positively. I was in my car with this whole mess happened and Lakhwayya (the SWAT police or smethn') acted fast in diverting trffic. Here's the vid...
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