Qatarilady, perhaps if you learnt to read, you could see that Gypsy isn't 'offended' by your 'notes'.

If you could read, you would see that she posted detailed reasoning for why she left. So rather than ignorantly and arrogantly assume to know her motives, you could just read them... at the top of the thread... yourself:

"I don't wish to argue with or have anything to do with people like that [ie people like you]"

It's not that you offended her. It's that people like you are bitter, mean spirited and you make the world a generally more unpleasent place for everyone else.

There's a difference between taking offence, and just simply not wishing to have anything to do with morons, and it's primarily morons who now frequent this site.

It's people like you who are the inspiration behind the 'have you ever met a nice Qatari' posts, and who manage to convince the rest of the world that Muslims are a bunch of uptight, moronic killjoys who hate the west and all it stands for.

Thank you, Qatarilady, for doing your best to ruin a website that used to be full of nice people and nice threads. People like you are the reason Qatar is stuck in the dark ages.

Farewell Qatari Living. You used to be such a fun site, full of useful and informative posts about living and surviving in Qatar. Now the only advice left to give people hoping to enjoy living in Qatari is to avoid the religious jerks bent on pissing the rest of us off.