We are getting school fees in full, (they recommend ASD, still not sure how much power they have to get him admitted;). It turns out there was all kinds of info in his offer, he just doesn't use resources well:) I had fun looking up stuff last night. It is pretty sweet if my husband can get over the Doha part. He grew up in So. Cal. and has been complaining of the rain here in the seattle area since I met him 20 years ago, so I personally think he should put up and shut up about the desert/heat. I just told him to think of it as a really big beach.

The have one home visit and two R&R's in addition to regular vacation-which he has loads of already. They will pay for us to take a visit over there (nice too, not coach-yes, I am a total rube now). He has been with Boeing for 20+ years and they have always been good to him $$, so I don't see this as being a bad move, money wise, at all. Everyone there (that has gone expat) says they pay for so much that you can pretty much bank the salary part and live on the allowances. I think they may exaggerate a bit, but STILL. . .It could be good.

Husband is worried most about the 9 year old. I think he will have a great time and it will open up his world view enormously. We live in a rural area and the kids here hang out at the local MC'D's for entertainment. I think that the experience would be great for son, and my sis has already claimed him for very long summer visits with her. I think it will all work out great. If hubby agrees.