For example, look at all the 'bedspacers' and shared accommodation adverts. They all specify the race of the others, as well as social status(although that helps to weed out the unaffordable ads for the non-execs)Filipino males or Pakistani family only, Indian maids required. This is by the people who are placing ads for roommates and westerners(we think we should know better) who require domestic help. Qatari's are not phrasing the ad for the Western families placing help wanted ads.
I have realized that I have to accept what I perceive as some injustice in Qatar-it isn't MY country, my religion or my way of life. It will probably annoy every bit of me that is female, American, and the mother of a mixed race (white/Indian) son. But I also know that my parents generation was entirely different than my own and their actions from the 1960's/70's in the US are no longer socially condoned or acceptable-legally or ethically. This country has transitioned more than my own in the last 50 years. There is probably some stuff that will change because of the cultural interaction and stuff that won't-because of the prevailing religion. It is THEIR little corner of the world.
When in Rome. . .enjoy the pasta and get out of the way of the drivers.
For example, look at all the 'bedspacers' and shared accommodation adverts. They all specify the race of the others, as well as social status(although that helps to weed out the unaffordable ads for the non-execs)Filipino males or Pakistani family only, Indian maids required. This is by the people who are placing ads for roommates and westerners(we think we should know better) who require domestic help. Qatari's are not phrasing the ad for the Western families placing help wanted ads.
I have realized that I have to accept what I perceive as some injustice in Qatar-it isn't MY country, my religion or my way of life. It will probably annoy every bit of me that is female, American, and the mother of a mixed race (white/Indian) son. But I also know that my parents generation was entirely different than my own and their actions from the 1960's/70's in the US are no longer socially condoned or acceptable-legally or ethically. This country has transitioned more than my own in the last 50 years. There is probably some stuff that will change because of the cultural interaction and stuff that won't-because of the prevailing religion. It is THEIR little corner of the world.
When in Rome. . .enjoy the pasta and get out of the way of the drivers.