And I am not sure that they do apply any more than they do for waiters/waitresses. I was not a well paid nanny, and lived in better conditions than most min. wageholders.

I think that household expenses of food(culturally appropriate or occasional preferred soda), soap, toilet paper are fair enough. Clothes and entertainment and long distance phone calls seem to be bonuses. The beauty of live in work is that your expenses are minimal-not non-existent. I think bigger issues here are freedom and respect for other human beings on a level more basic than even material levels. Just human. We live in the 21st century, not colonial India. But we are still talking about low skilled labor, not highly trained professionals (so far as benefits/renumeration). There is a balance and anyone in a low skilled job should understand that.

That being said, I would SO get a properly trained nanny! And pay them accordingly.