I am already expecting these violent reactions. Cheers!

We have different opinions guys, so is labda. See... the value of everything depends upon oneself.

Endowed with stong intelligence and high morals, I do believe in a male-figure leader as they draw more respect (if not fear) in general. Tougher than women, emotionally strong.

Labda, i do believe in women's right of equality but there are issues that we women knew by heart that we can not insists like physical strength and male-superiority complex. Men always feel they have the highest position on earth.

Culture and Religion (bashing aside) has it that women in general should submit to their men (as in husband and wife).

Makes me wonder... women demand equality, be treated equal like men but there are instances when women still expect men to treat them like women. Example... in my home country, prior to the women's lib movement, a woman is always given a seat on the bus, men stand up to give way to a woman to sit. And now that women are given better rights, treated equals, would still expect/demand a seat in a bus from men?

With due respect to women like me, sometimes i dont see where equality here. What's really going on is that women's demand sometimes go overboard,unreasonable.

I have no problem with men's superiority. I walk my way to where i am now, equal with men.

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