lady, you h your claims. Is this permissble in Islam??
Here is the claim AGAINST what you have written. May Allaah give you ikhlaas in accepting it...
Rulings for Wiping over the Shoes and Socks
Author: Imaam Muhammad Naasir-ud-Deen Al-Albaanee (rahimahullaah)
Source: His short treatise "Tamaam An-Nash fee Ahkaam Al-Mas-h" [The Complete Guidance regarding the Rules of Wiping (over footwear)]. This treatise appears after the Shaikh's checking to Imaam Jamaal-ud-Deen Al-Qaasimee's book entitled Al-Mas-h 'alaa Al-Jawrabayn (Wiping over the Socks).
1. Wiping over the shoes
ave made quite the claims without bringing one ayaat or narration to support
As for wiping over the shoes (na'alayn) [1] when performing ablution, then it has become popular amongst the contemporary scholars to say that it is not permissible to wipe over them. And we do not know of any evidence to support that claim, other than what has been stated by Al-Baihaqee (rahimahullaah) in his Sunan (1/288):
"The foundation is the obligation for washing the feet, unless there is an established aspect of the Sunnah that makes it more specific, or there is a consensus (ijmaa') in which there is no differing. And wiping over the shoes or the socks is not included in any of the two, and Allaah knows best."
This is what he has stated. And it is well known, unfortunately, that it indicates an unawareness of the previously mentioned ahaadeeth in this treatise [2] regarding the establishment of wiping over the socks and the shoes. And the chains of narration regarding some of them are authentic, as has been clarified previously. This is why At-Turkmanee Al-Hanafee (rahimahullaah) commented on these words, saying:
"This is incorrect, for it has preceded that At-Tirmidhee has authenticated the (hadeeth of) wiping over the socks and the shoes and declared it hasan from the hadeeth of Muzail (radiallahu anhu) on Al-Mugheerah. He also declared the hadeeth of Ad-Dahhaak on Abu Moosaa to be hasan. Also, Ibn Hibbaan has verified wiping over the shoes by authenticating the hadeeth of Aws. Similarly, Ibn Khuzaimah [3] has authenticated the hadeeth of Ibn 'Umar (radiallahu anhu) on wiping over the shoes. And what Al-Baihaqee mentioned from the hadeeth of Zaid Ibn Al-Hibaab on Ath-Thawree (meaning with the chain of narration going to Ibn 'Umar and it was stated previously) regarding wiping over the shoes, is a good hadeeth. Ibn Al-Qataan has also authenticated it on Ibn 'Umar (radiallahu anhu)." [Al-Jauhar-un-Naqee (1/288)]
I say that once you have come to know this, it is not permissible to even hesitate in accepting this allowance - especially after the hadeeth concerning it have been established. This is since, as the author (Al-Qaasimee) has stated in what has been mentioned previously:
"The hadeeth concerning it are authentic, thus there is no recourse other than to hear and obey."
This is especially the case after knowing that the Sahaabah acted in accordance with it. And foremost amongst them, was the rightly guided Khaleefah, 'Alee Ibn Abee Taalib (radiallahu anhu). Furthermore, it is the view that was held by some of the Imaams from the pious predecessors (Salaf As-Saalih), may Allaah be pleased with all of them.
Thus, Ibn Hazm (rahimahullaah) said in Al-Muhallaa (2/103):
"Issue: So if the footwear (khuff) are cut so that they fall beneath the ankles, then wiping over them is permissible. This is the opinion of Al-Awzaa’ee and it has been reported on him that he said: 'The muhrim may wipe over his shoes that come beneath the ankles…' Others have stated: 'He may not wipe over them unless they go over the ankles.'"
They call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to see it... --George Carlin
lady, you h your claims. Is this permissble in Islam??
Here is the claim AGAINST what you have written. May Allaah give you ikhlaas in accepting it...
Rulings for Wiping over the Shoes and Socks
Author: Imaam Muhammad Naasir-ud-Deen Al-Albaanee (rahimahullaah)
Source: His short treatise "Tamaam An-Nash fee Ahkaam Al-Mas-h" [The Complete Guidance regarding the Rules of Wiping (over footwear)]. This treatise appears after the Shaikh's checking to Imaam Jamaal-ud-Deen Al-Qaasimee's book entitled Al-Mas-h 'alaa Al-Jawrabayn (Wiping over the Socks).
1. Wiping over the shoes
ave made quite the claims without bringing one ayaat or narration to support
As for wiping over the shoes (na'alayn) [1] when performing ablution, then it has become popular amongst the contemporary scholars to say that it is not permissible to wipe over them. And we do not know of any evidence to support that claim, other than what has been stated by Al-Baihaqee (rahimahullaah) in his Sunan (1/288):
"The foundation is the obligation for washing the feet, unless there is an established aspect of the Sunnah that makes it more specific, or there is a consensus (ijmaa') in which there is no differing. And wiping over the shoes or the socks is not included in any of the two, and Allaah knows best."
This is what he has stated. And it is well known, unfortunately, that it indicates an unawareness of the previously mentioned ahaadeeth in this treatise [2] regarding the establishment of wiping over the socks and the shoes. And the chains of narration regarding some of them are authentic, as has been clarified previously. This is why At-Turkmanee Al-Hanafee (rahimahullaah) commented on these words, saying:
"This is incorrect, for it has preceded that At-Tirmidhee has authenticated the (hadeeth of) wiping over the socks and the shoes and declared it hasan from the hadeeth of Muzail (radiallahu anhu) on Al-Mugheerah. He also declared the hadeeth of Ad-Dahhaak on Abu Moosaa to be hasan. Also, Ibn Hibbaan has verified wiping over the shoes by authenticating the hadeeth of Aws. Similarly, Ibn Khuzaimah [3] has authenticated the hadeeth of Ibn 'Umar (radiallahu anhu) on wiping over the shoes. And what Al-Baihaqee mentioned from the hadeeth of Zaid Ibn Al-Hibaab on Ath-Thawree (meaning with the chain of narration going to Ibn 'Umar and it was stated previously) regarding wiping over the shoes, is a good hadeeth. Ibn Al-Qataan has also authenticated it on Ibn 'Umar (radiallahu anhu)." [Al-Jauhar-un-Naqee (1/288)]
I say that once you have come to know this, it is not permissible to even hesitate in accepting this allowance - especially after the hadeeth concerning it have been established. This is since, as the author (Al-Qaasimee) has stated in what has been mentioned previously:
"The hadeeth concerning it are authentic, thus there is no recourse other than to hear and obey."
This is especially the case after knowing that the Sahaabah acted in accordance with it. And foremost amongst them, was the rightly guided Khaleefah, 'Alee Ibn Abee Taalib (radiallahu anhu). Furthermore, it is the view that was held by some of the Imaams from the pious predecessors (Salaf As-Saalih), may Allaah be pleased with all of them.
Thus, Ibn Hazm (rahimahullaah) said in Al-Muhallaa (2/103):
"Issue: So if the footwear (khuff) are cut so that they fall beneath the ankles, then wiping over them is permissible. This is the opinion of Al-Awzaa’ee and it has been reported on him that he said: 'The muhrim may wipe over his shoes that come beneath the ankles…' Others have stated: 'He may not wipe over them unless they go over the ankles.'"
They call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to see it... --George Carlin