Hey Mandy :) now - shops?? :):)
...it's not that SHOPs ar missing here, but the selection in these shops is just miserable..
but on the other hand, population in qatar is too small, it's not worth to bring in here all the variety of the world-available products
by the way, about an ice-cream.. the best things are waiting for you when you less expect it...other day i had to wait till my car gets done for about 20-30 min. on this petrol station on Salwa road (what's the name? Al Tesser or something like that), and I dropped by little shop on the corner of this station. I got absolutely impressed by this avocado-mango-banana drink, mixed with the ice cream and with pieces of the ice-cream and fruits on top of it along with the whipping cream.... for 8 (EITGHT) rial! well, the biggest size was 12 rial, which is also you can say, almost for free.. and it was totally amazing..

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small compared to what lies within us."
Oliver Wendell Holmes