Murder - of whatever reason - is absolutely unforgivable bullshit. Racial discrimination and religious discrimination should be no option for any human being.
This kind of discrimination is no German-only problem.
By the way this guy wasn't even German... but this doens't matter anyhow. It just makes the "being angry about Germany-thing" pretty foolish.
So let's talk about court room security. You don't get x-rayed nor metal detectors for this kind of insult-lawsuites. Insult-lawsuites of "WHATEVER-kind" are common. If I make an insult-lawsuite against someone who called me whatever I also don't get protected. So if it turns out this guy is sick in the head and stabs me in the court - i don't get treated better because i am a German. I don't really get the point of this whole childish accusations. In the whole world stuff like this happens...just look at Russia. And no one marches on the streets for all the things that happend over all counrties. This is just again a Media Hype Hate Campaign, that ideally settles in minds of people that don't question what they hear or read about.
By the way... blaming all Germans for something that one person has done is pretty much RACISM.
Ok i try to make logically for you.
Murder - of whatever reason - is absolutely unforgivable bullshit. Racial discrimination and religious discrimination should be no option for any human being.
This kind of discrimination is no German-only problem.
By the way this guy wasn't even German... but this doens't matter anyhow. It just makes the "being angry about Germany-thing" pretty foolish.
So let's talk about court room security. You don't get x-rayed nor metal detectors for this kind of insult-lawsuites. Insult-lawsuites of "WHATEVER-kind" are common. If I make an insult-lawsuite against someone who called me whatever I also don't get protected. So if it turns out this guy is sick in the head and stabs me in the court - i don't get treated better because i am a German. I don't really get the point of this whole childish accusations. In the whole world stuff like this happens...just look at Russia. And no one marches on the streets for all the things that happend over all counrties. This is just again a Media Hype Hate Campaign, that ideally settles in minds of people that don't question what they hear or read about.
By the way... blaming all Germans for something that one person has done is pretty much RACISM.